I am more than I do

ReflectionIt is always interesting to hear the response to “so what do you do?” Most people will respond with their job title. In most instances, however, a person is more than their job. Everyone can attach more than one title to themselves.

I thought a lot on this topic over the past couple years. I knew that I was more than a web graphic designer because it encompassed only a small portion of my life. I knew all of my interests gravitated toward creating something. So I began calling myself “a creative.” Yes, I turned the adjective into a noun. Apparently, there is a group of people who identify themselves in the same way.

A writer, name Jeff Goins, says:

“A creative is an artist. Not just a painter or musician or writer. She is someone who sees the world a little differently than others.

A creative is an individual. He is unique, someone who doesn’t quite fit into any box. Some think of creatives as iconoclasts; others see them as rebels. Both are quite apt.

A creative is a thought leader. He influences people not necessarily through personality but through his innate gifts and talents. (http://goinswriter.com/what-is-a-creative/)”

I picked the right title. Web graphic design may be what I do, but a creative is who I am.