That miscellaneous box of crap

People have words that they don’t like. Even as you read that sentence, you probably thought of your word.

miscellaneous office

The word I don’t like: miscellaneous

I used this less-than descriptive word on several of the boxes that were at the bottom of my second bedroom’s closet. It’s no wonder that I didn’t know the contents packed inside. “Miscellaneous” told me nothing.

As I used my box cutter to slice open the tape which secured these boxes, I found miscellaneous things that should have been thrown away years ago. Lots of old papers. Lots of pens. I pretty much had a used stationary store. There is no rhyme or reason to why I kept any of the items.

I guess I saved them just because they were mine. But what good were these items to me if I didn’t even know I had them?

Nothing is miscellaneous going forward

This statement will go beyond just possessing items. It will apply to everything I do. It’s about living with purpose and meaning and not adding miscellaneous crap that does not add value to my life.

Everything must have a purpose

This is something I can most definitely live with.