I’ve always been known as a good dresser. Where ever I go, my clothing look and style is always put together. Nothing ostentatious. Just a clean, simple, classic style. Much like my style in web design!

I actually figured that how I dressed made a good impression on a potential client. What I wear might help me get a new project. Thinking more about it… if a disheveled person told you that s/he had an eye for detail and design, would you believe that person? Or would you rather believe the well-dressed, put together person who looks like they have a keen eye for what’s in style? I think you would choose the latter.

With this eye for style, I made an interesting New Year’s resolution to myself this year… become a personal shopper. I have such a great passion for fashion and style that I wanted to be able to help other women learn how to dress with style. Not only does style make a woman look good, it gives her a lot of confidence. It gives her a reason to hold her head high because she feels good about herself.

I had no clue on how to become a personal shopper. Craigslist, I suppose. But, I didn’t think that anyone would take that type of post seriously.  It is rather random.  Then, one day, I received an email from the Columbus Young Professionals Club outlining the month’s activities. At the next breakfast networking meeting, Vicki Bowen, Executive Director of Dress for Success Columbus, would be speaking about the organization.  What a fabulous group!

The mission of Dress for Success is to promote the economic independence of disadvantaged women by providing professional attire, a network of support and the career development tools to help women thrive in work and in life.  [www.dressforsuccess.org]

Shortly after the CYP Club’s meeting back in March, I filled out the volunteer form and took it to the boutique.  I was so excited to receive an email from the project coordinator, Samara, asking me when I would be able to volunteer some time.

I decided to volunteer my lunch hour once a week (provided I had no pending work meetings.)  The first few times I went, I helped other volunteers inventory all of the clothing donations.  Eventually, I got to be a personal shopper for one of the Dress for Success clients.  It was so much fun!  I’ve helped more clients since then.

Today, I participated in the photo shoot for the 2009 Dress for Success Columbus calendar.  Stylists from Max Studio were there to assist with the client makeovers, and I got to help one of the clients find an outfit for her modeling debut.  🙂  Clients, volunteers, and partners of the organization were there for the shoot,  and we all had a chance to model for the wonderful photographer.  I will represent September, and I’m so excited!

It’s wonderful to volunteer for Dress for Success.  Being able to achieve my New Year’s resolution was an accomplishment, and the reward of seeing a woman smile and be excited because she looks good means a lot to me.

With Samara of Dress for Success

With Samara of Dress for Success